Book with Toshi Matsunaga

Session with Toshi

4-session package: $699 (12% off)
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Mentorship with Toshi


Every month

Message and speak directly with Toshi via WhatsApp at any time*

✅ Includes Mentorship Space Access (normally $99/month)

✅ One free 1-on-1 session per month + 25% off coupon for additional sessions.

✅ Progress through the 4 phases of curriculums for learning K.I.

✅ Attend phase-specific meetings or simply watch their recordings

Toshi Matsunaga

Hello, my name is Toshi Matsunaga.

I discovered Kiloby Inquiries amid my own experience with physical and emotional pain – since using inquiry to meet the part of myself that was always there, just hidden by trauma and repression, my love for this work has grown exponentially. I have no greater passion or love than that of facilitating sessions for others trying to navigate an often painful and challenging human life. I am now a very experienced facilitator and Mentor.

I have a passion for taking people beyond the need to heal or the need to be ok.

By taking responsibility for our suffering, freedom & choice can re-enter our lives once again. We are bringing everything to the table to be inquired into, which includes all identities, stories, and beliefs—making our unconscious conscious, with no exceptions. We might not see that this is what we want until we start to uncover the beliefs & programs that block our natural recovery. These begin to arise when we become more conscious of the programs (emotional repressions, beliefs, and traumas, to name a few) that have been running our lives. Along the way, we will start to see who we are, everything and nothing simultaneously, the true embodiment of what we are and who we are.

There is so much beauty in discovering what lies beyond our darkest stories and repressed emotions. When they are returned to Awareness, we come home!

I have experience working with emotional repression, addiction, chronic pain, physical abuse, racial abuse, sexual abuse, sexual repression, depression, PTSD, cPTSD, birth trauma, spiritual seeking, past life trauma, and non-dual bypass.

Toshi’s Testimonials

Scott Kiloby

Toshi is one of the leading KI mentors who helped develop the latest 3rd dimension/repression work/tools.

He is also responsible for introducing and training existing KI facilitators to start using the latest 3rd dimension tools so that they can be qualified to work with emotional repression/deep trauma.

I personally have a lot of trust and respect for Toshi’s experiences and what he shares.

I think you can never go wrong if you work with him. I highly recommend Toshi as a KI mentor.

Eric B. Robbins, MD.

"As a physician who has incorporated mind-body healing approaches into my practice for the past 25+ years, I've seen the gamut of what's being offered. I recently had a session with Toshi, and I must say it was the most powerful, impactful, and transformative session I've ever had.

The techniques are deceptively simple but powerful and quickly lead from inquiry into a full-on somatic experience and release of repressed material. What a gift the repression inquiries are to the world.

Laura H.

After a profound spiritual realization and over 10 years immersed in non dual satsangs, I was still struggling with relationship and emotional issues.

Although I had found a relative peace from resting as awareness and realizing I was not the doer, I see now that I was also using this to avoid underlying emotions.

Working with Toshi and hearing about his experience with the non-dual bypass was a saving grace. With KI, I am finally uncovering my repressed programs and getting to fully embody the freedom I had been seeking.

Not quite ready? Start below with our free repression test.