Scott Kiloby

Mentorship with Scott 🤝 $599 per month

Message and speak directly with Scott via WhatsApp at any time*

✅ Includes full Mentorship Space Access (normally $99/month)

✅ One free 1-on-1 session per month + 25% off coupon for additional sessions

✅ Progress through the 4 phases of curriculums for learning K.I.

✅ Attend phase-specific group meetings or simply watch their recordings

Begins April 1st

Signups End March 31st

Begins April 1st Signups End March 31st

Jumpstart Group with Scott Kiloby

1-Month Program for a Foundation of Lifelong Emotional Self-Sufficiency

Conquer boundary issues, anxiety, depression, anger, self-sabotage, or addiction by targeting the often-overlooked root: emotional repression.

In this program, you’ll use Kiloby Inquiries (K.I.) to gently uncover and release what truly keeps you stuck.

✅ Jumpstart or re-ignite your personal K.I. prior experience needed.

✅ 6 hours of Zoom sessions and enjoy direct Q&A support with Scott via WhatsApp.

On-demand technique demonstrations in the Jumpstart video curriculum.

Scott Kiloby

Scott Kiloby is a noted international speaker, well-respected enlightenment (non-duality) teacher who has helped thousands of people all over the world, an entrepreneur, creative spirit, and a prolific author of seven books that simplify and demystify authentic spiritual awakening as it is taught in the East.

Scott has broken new ground in several areas, including co-founding and owning the first two treatment centers in the U.S. to focus primarily on mindfulness and nondual awareness as the central path to freedom in recovery: the Kiloby Center for Recovery (day treatment) and the Natural Rest House (24-hour care facility).

Scott is an innovator in the addiction field, which for decades has shamed, judged, punished, and instilled fear into clients to keep them clean (with a relatively low success rate). After studying that archaic model, Scott developed the New Model of Recovery, which contains a zero-tolerance for shaming, judging, or punishing people whether they are using it or not.

Instead, Scott focuses on showing people unconditional love and using the Kiloby Inquiries to heal the pain that drives addiction in the first place. This has been the central key to Scott’s work's success.

Scott’s work is in no way limited to addiction recovery. Scott is also the developer of several forms of inquiry that help people with a wide array of human suffering other than addiction, such as trauma, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, OCD, and general unhappiness with life, by teaching them to live in the present moment instead of “in their heads.”

Scott’s work is innovative in enlightenment teachings and recovery from trauma.